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Historical Background
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The Children's Crusade
The Consequences of the Crusades
The Seventh Crusade (1270)
The seventh crusade had a short history. Again, the leader of this crusade was Louis IX. In 1270, he gathered his troops to conquer Tunis in order to use the city as a military base in the upcoming war against Egypt. Unfortunately, during the siege of Tunis, the plague broke out and among its first victims was the leader of the crusade, Louis IX the Saint. The siege of Tunis was thus abandoned.

In the following years, the crusaders lost their cities and castles one by one without getting much support from Europe. Then, in 1291, Acre was lost. The remaing cities and castles were abandoned without a fight. In 1303, the Christians lost their last base in the Orient as the Maluks finally drove them out.

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